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  • Writer's pictureAiswarya Manoharan

Take Me to the Movies: Introspective movie recommendations.

Updated: Jun 13, 2020

Movies are the cornerstone of life used as a means to educate and inspire change or as a cheesy pickup line to procreate. But allow me to say that it could also be used as an introspection tool.

Without jumping into the tedious cesspool of histories and technicalities of movies, let us rejoice the Lumiere brothers for gifting us with cinema. [An unfortunate incident for Edison; he was not aware of the importance of patents]. Just like that, humans were introduced to various forms of moving pictures such as horror, romance, comedy, thriller, romance, fantasy, sci-fi and animation [to name a few]. To me movies holistically acted as a buffer and introduced me to worldly knowledge but there were specific tropes that 'induced and imprinted' on my bodily functions and emotions. Alongside the life lessons I had gained via these movies.


Horror movies are indecipherable. They scare the whit out of us and yet still make us feel better about our own living condition. I might be knuckle deep in debt or facing the guillotine but still way better off than Rosemary's circumstances. I derive pleasure from watching people make questionable decisions in their life and facing consequences for said decisions. The whole premise of horror movies relies on characters making vacuous and witless choices and face their ultimate demise. ["Do you want your boat back, Georgie?" It was a paper boat for God sake!] Or perhaps do your research before signing the pay check on an old house because if it's too good to be true, then it's too good to be true. Studies have also reported that horror tropes acts as a cathartic release and it is appealing more so for youths and teens. The experience of being immersed and giving our undivided to attention to a movie, allows us enter a state of 'presentness'.


Comedies represents a light-hearted take on life which differs vastly from the horror trope. And yet, I personally find solace in the perfect blend of melancholic comedies which hits the sweet spot located right above my collar bone. A classic by Robin Williams, Mrs. Doubtfire showcased a paramount of interest on divorce and how it impacted the children especially with a slight comedical twist. And sometimes when I need a reprieve from the monotonous work life,I tune into comedies depicting office life [the irony is not lost to me] such as Office Space. A cult favorite that tackled office and everyday mundane office life with realistic script, satirical humor and relatable characters, an acquired taste if I must say. Hell, every time I see that movie, I genuinely feel as if I am a part of the trio. It had inspired many to quit or resign their jobs and quit being a mindless drone or lackey at their workplace.


Thrillers are overlapped with different sub-genres which elicit excitement and suspense which is ardently exploited through the build up and impossible escape scene which the hero/heroin gets through at the very last second. The protagonist is involved in a fight between good and bad which can arbitrarily be abstract or physical through a series of twists and turns. In The Lovely Bones [my personal favorite], it was told through the eyes of a dead 14 year old whose looking into the world of the living. The movie does a subtle shift from the dead and living; about how her family and her killer continued with their life upon her death. Though it was a very dark and emotional up heaving movie, it was more than just 'the clock is ticking' and we catch the bad guy. I thoroughly enjoyed the existential questions and the lingering message "I was here for a moment,and then I was gone."

I was here for a moment and then I was gone.


The romance genre is a very forgiving variety. The perennial principle of this trope is love, which spans across morality, familial or spousal values, righteousness, interpersonal affection and the simplest pleasures in life. It is universal and transcends humanity. I am a huge sucker for romantic films that incorporates familial relationship and values with 'unrealistic' narratives and terminal illness. In the The Time Traveler's Wife, Clare and Henry are able to peer into their future which causes a fair amount of chaos in the better half of the movie. And this something I personally would have to revisit, because at times I take it for granted. The elusiveness one's future is a boon and a curse at the same time. As much as I want to know when and where i would meet my future partner, it ties in together with the bitter details attached to any relationship. And I feel much better leaving it up to fate.


Gone are the days of me waiting for my approval letter from Hogwarts [or is it?]. This is the most comforting, thrilling yet satisfying variety in this list. This genre weaves a tale of magic, mysticism, supernatural events, mythology and folklore. As a child, a huge portion of my childhood was spent reading Faraway Tree and Harry Potter which enabled me to appreciate and make sense of the world in rose colored glasses. But as an adult, reality sets in hard alongside disenchantment. This is when the bills, politics and bitter hard truth hits you in the face. But by carrying forward the fairy tales and fantastical elements into my adulthood, it had allowed me to retain and reminiscence over the wonder and extraordinaire flair in these movies. My very own self-sustained wonderment in my pockets. That's what the movies sells. [and its money well spent] In the poetic scene where Harry soars atop the hippogriff into the sky surrounded by mountains and clear waters. It felt as if I was tagging alongside him and made me experience his joy and happiness.


Science fiction films or famously known as sci-fi films are a big hit these days especially with the boom of technological advancement. It has paved route for a more realistic depiction of speculative phenomenon which typically comprises of futuristic elements, space/time travel and extrasensory perception. The enterprise for this genre solely resides in charming the crowd with a sense of wonder and mystery. It acts as similarly to the fantasy tropes and gives out a sense of enchantment and escapism. This genre specifically allows us to see the world in a more holistic manner and marvel at the vastness of the universe. It also goes to show that we are a tiny blip in this universe and the possible existence of otherworldly beings besides us.This is punctuated in The Interstellar or E.T. and stands to punch home the message of compassion and love regardless of human or no human. So, marvel at the grandness of the universe's secrets.


Animated movies regardless of what languages they come in or what age band they were produced for, it always leaves us with a syrupy and gooey core. I fundamentally believe that even the most ice cold souls would bawl during Mufasa's death. It's not just an illustration photographed frame by frame, its also a harbinger of unvarnished adult lessons. It introduced us to the meaning of death and new beginning, a quintessential principle of life with a delicate touch. Most of my hard core lessons of life was something that I derived from animated movies. As a kid watching The Fox and the Hound, it baffled that they there was a lack of friendship in the ending. The Disney flair which typically promised a 'happily ever after' element was missing in it and it had always stewed in the back of my mind. [Just why?] But grown up me could appreciate the authenticity and forethought of the message. Sometimes, we outgrow people and friends and the only thing that could be done is to cherish the good memories and move on with life.


Take 'me' to the movies is a repartee of treating your own self to a movie. Take time out of your busy schedule to rediscover those various genres and live 'life on the edge'. I used to personally avoid the sci-fi division but after watching Stranger Things, I experienced a new found appreciation for this humble yet eclectic motif. I have since immersed myself in this sphere of fiction and slowly but surely fell in love with the quirkiness, intricate details albeit sometimes futuristic content and just like that opening myself to a whole new realm of possibilities. Hyperbole's aside, it did give me a better understanding of myself.

On the side note, do pay attention to yourself as you go reach out for a movie. Even for myself, the reasons I reach out to desensitize and drown myself in movies might vary. It might because I want to lock myself away from the world or harmless fun. There is a fine line between the two it and the intention matters. With that being said, happy sailing maties.



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